Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Smart things to Know - 2


In a follow up to my earlier post. I have recently learnt a couple more tricks to be smart.

Whenever my friends shop online for a technology product or even for a pizza, One of the things they always do is to scout for a Coupon Code or a Deal Offer.

It’s strictly no-no to buy a product without a deal or discount. Once the product to be purchased is decided on, Just Google the product or the brand name and voila ! Discover a valid coupon code or instructions to save money of the purchase and sometimes find alternative places to buy the product for a lot less. (Just be wary of phishing sites. Caveat Emptor). In face using Microsoft Search engine Bing is likely to get you Cashback offers depending on the season.

The second thing I wanted to mention is about Collection Agent. A friend of mine recently mentioned that he always escalates the bills to default and be forwarded to a collection agent where he negotiates a settlement amount on the phone without disturbing his credit score. I really don’t know how much truth is there in it, but next time I default and I get a collection agent call, I am definitely going to negotiate for a waiver.


What Say !?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Google Wave – The Impressions

Over the last one month, Google Wave has frequently been a trending tropic on twitter. Most of the time, it would be a ‘spam tweet’, luring unsuspecting users to unwittingly provide info and in turn getting them to retweet the same ‘spam tweet’ further encouraging the trend.

Finally when my friend SN gave me an invite, I invested a couple of hours in the last few days to investigate and jump on and ride the ‘Wave’. My friend already realized that Wave is no fun without friends and this is very true.

The User Interface of Google Wave does not look dazzling or out of this world for any regular social media user who sometimes chats and sometimes forwards emails to his friends.

“Creating a Wave” seems a unlikely phrase but I am sure it would be one of the future trends and be as common as “Googling”.

Today explaining a Google wave is not easy as explaining “what’s an email” or “what’s a tweet”?

What I have recognized so far is the potential for a “Wave Topic” created by you, to intensify and diminish as time progresses. By collaboration by friends and followers, the current trend is likely to have have the most number of posts.

An idea is worth itself if it generates more money than it promises. The Google Wave Idea is a potential money spinner for Google, much better than YouTube.

If not for the steep learning curve for new users and its redundancy of utility along with social media updates, Google Wave would indeed have been fasters to create a wave.

Best wishes to creators and developers of “Google Wave” to have recognized the potential of Facebook and other social media updates and developed an ‘probably’ likeable and ‘currently heavy’ tool considering future acceptance today.

Lets all see how the Wave goes.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009



Sometime in 1979, We first got introduced to each other in kindergarten class.

There has been no looking back ever since, our friendship has grown strong and stood the test of time and distance.

My best friend and I were raised in a town named Roha in the state of Maharashtra in India (Asia).

Of all the imaginations and discussions we had about in our pre teen years of the way we would shape up, it never occurred to us that one day, we will meet up in the land of opportunities.

So here we are in USA, halfway across the world where we were born, like in a Jeffrey Archer novel, .

My Wifey and I are looking forward to their visit this week celebrating 30 odd years of friendship and life.


Somehow many of the things I do today have been inculcated into me since my birth. Like the habit of praying with my hands joined together every morning. Or always handing and receiving money with my right hand.

There were questions I had about certain things, most of them were answered logically or I had to figure them out on my own or from some story which has been passed on by word of mouth from generations.

One of the questions I had was about, why is it that Traditionally in the Indian family do the cooking ?

Recently as I saw my bloated tummy from the in-shirt dress I was wearing and this question again crossed my mind. You can imagine why.


Halloween for me is still a day when enthusiastic kids go around dressed up in Costumes and ask for Trick or Treat.

Most of the snaps that day are very scary to see at in isolation.

Uploading the Halloween photos on Facebook made me think how will my friends react to finding my ‘wifey's’ photo in the album.


For those who have come in late, TTCMM stands for Thoughts that crossed my mind.

What Say !?

Heavy Breakfast and Heavy Technology


Today morning I had home made vegetable puffs (instead of Wednesday waffles). Just two pieces have made me feel heavy in the tummy. They were excellent but as I am typing this I am feeling drowsy.

In my first job as a technical trainer, a colleague told me “Eat for yourself, but Dress for others”. From that day on, I have always put efforts to dress properly. But on the other hand, my eating habits relied on the principle “If it is on the plate, it should get to the tummy”. No real attention to chewing properly or the calories consumed. Strangely the consequence of this did not ever cross my mind.

Before I got married “Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and Dine like a Pauper” was a pretty good reference statement to adhere for eating.

After I got married, my wifey, an cook par excellence, allowed me to indulge everyday in smorgasbord of delicious food with encouragement to push my gorging limits.

Another dimension to it is the experimentation into newer recipes and delicacies. I had never imagined in my wildest dreams of eating a home made burrito, mind you, but one day I did and it was great. Lucky me.. Touch wood.

Today at the cusp of 14 months of marriage I am overweight by 28 pounds according to my wii-fit app.

Another aspect of my technological work is to be up to speed with the latest and greatest. Reading technical articles, directly off my Hi-Def LCD Screen has its pain points. It wearing off the eyes.

I sometimes jump skip some paragraphs to find myself staring at the brightly lit screen with my eyes wide open, reading words and trying to understand context and connect the dots which do not make sense if you lose concentration.

This is the same reason for which I have ordered myself the new digital reader “Nook”. I hope this will take care of the eyes not hurting them too much while reading digital copies.

The point I am trying to throw across is the idea that “the best way to read and learn new things” is to be in a relaxed state of mind.

I have learnt a few Meditation techniques in the past like Reiki and I hope to resume them this month and be back to my 100% concentration in everything I do.

What Say !? Am I focused on the task at hand ?